Incredible workshops
"For a horse-loving audience“
You have this power and it's time to unlock it!
Ideal presentations for organising training evenings in equestrian organisations,
such as federations, riding clubs, equestrian centres, training centres .....
Based on a hundred years of successful experience.
No vague talk, but scientifically substantiated facts.
Packed with many practical tips.

"Good fun logical presentation...".
Several instructive presentations
Click on one of the following titles to find out more!

- "Competition-oriented training." A few more points make the difference
- Equestrian fantasies.. Beteugel je gedachten en zadel je dromen
- "Playing with tension." Motivating horse and ride to increase efforts
- "Colouring grey mice." Getting better by being different
- "Motivating to perform better." Become your own mental coach
- Horse friendly training.. Inwerken op het aangeleerde gedrag
- Effortless training your horse.. Jouw leidraad voor instinctief gedrag
Pleasant learning.
Entertaining performances, no boring theoretical explanations.
Plenty of interaction with the participants and room for personal questions and solutions.
Always too short.
Each presentation lasts about 3 hours, and can be combined with individual practical guidance.
All equestrian workshops are presented by André & Jacqueline Geeroms-Schurkens.