Domein Wolfsheide
Discover the secrets of breaking free from...!
Check out our Wolfsheide domain with its beautiful dressage arena,
horse-friendly stables,
located on the border of a nature reserve,
and a cosy guesthouse furnished 'à la Jacqueline'.

It is the most beautiful place to go for an equestrian retreat
Wolfsheide Domain.
The Wolfsheide domain in the rural area of Bekkevoort, Belgium,
stretches over an area of 7.5 hectares of woods and meadows.
Dressage arena.
Dressage arena, 20m*60m, drained Geopad soil, available for riding at all times.
Relaxing facilities for guests around the arena.
Guest accommodation.
Guest house, comfortably furnished in 'Jacqueline Schurkens' style.
Round pen.
Forest path, round pen (14m) and wide meadows.
Modern stables.
Modern stables with an eye for the horse's wellbeing.
Sunny terrace.
Cosy sunny terrace where you can drift off for a while.